Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Surfing 9th Round in Japan Surfing with Tsuchi and Kan at Hamada, Hashi. The wave was kind of junk condition and broke quickly. It was not easy for me to enjoy surfing. TsuchiとKanと浜田の波子でサーフィン。波はジャンクコンディションでダンパー気味。この状況でサーフィンを楽しむのはなかなか難しい。 (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)

Monday, November 29, 2010


Additional Restroom The reform of a additional restroom for the 2nd floor finished. I was impressed it took only 1 day. 2階の追加トイレリフォームが完了。1日しかかからなかったのには、ちょっとびっくり。 (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)


Flat Stanley Has Come (Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC)

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Wall Clock (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Light Up (Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC)


Christmas stuff
(Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC)


Day Off My wife and sons went to their grandmother's house from yesterday. I lazed around at home all day. 嫁さんと子供達は、昨日からグランマんちへ。父ちゃんは、一日中、家でゴロゴロ。 (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)

Sunday, November 21, 2010


No Surf Weekend Unfortunately, there would be no wave in this weekend. 残念ながら、今週末は波がないみたい。。。 (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro) Autumn leaves near my house.


Chirstmas Tree is Ready (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)


Customary Stuff It is customary for us to see the ornament of 2-leg reindeer that my older son made 3 years ago. 我が家のクリスマスの定番は、3年前に長男が作った2本足トナカイのオーナメント。 (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)


Decoration for Chirstmas When I came home after work, my wife was decorating the Chirstmas tree. I remembered she started it after Halloween in last year. 家に帰ると、嫁さんがクリスマスツリーを飾り中。去年は確か、ハロウィーンが終わってすぐ準備していたはず。 (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Sunny Day Coming I saw sunshine in the morning. I felt the teru-teru-bozu which my younger son made yesterday may work. 朝起きると、朝日が。昨日次男が作ったてるてる坊主のおかげかな。 (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)


Teru-Teru-Bozu (Sunny Doll) My younger son made a couple of teru-teru-bozu. Because today was rainy day and he hopes tomorrow will be a nice day. I think he has a talent to make us happy. 次男がてるてる坊主を作った。なんでも、今日は雨だったので、明日は晴れてほしいのだとか。次男には人をなんだか幸せにする力があると思う。 (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)


English Examination Day My kids had a English examination, but they also had their study presentation of music class in the elementary school. Unfortunately, since the test for my younger son held in the morning, he couldn't join the school event. However, my older son could join the event and take the examination in the afternoon. 子供達は英検の受験日。なんだけど、学校の音楽の学習発表会でもあった。運悪く、次男の試験は午前中にあり、学習発表会には出られず。長男の試験は午後からだったので、発表会にも参加。 (Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC) My older son waiting a train. After the examination, they said it was not so easy. They should wait to get the result for several weeks. テストは難しかったらしい。結果は、数週間後。

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Surfing 8th Round in Japan I went surfing with Tsuchi and Mr. S at Hamada, Hashi. The wave size was chest to shoulder and the condition was good enough to enjoy surfing. After 3 hours surfing, I felt I spent all of my energy. TsuchiとSくんと浜田の波子でサーフィン。波は胸から肩ほどのサイズで、十分楽しめるコンディション。時間のサーフィンで、体力を使い切った。 (iPhone4) We ate a ramen in Kanbikiyama parking area on the way to return. It was great taste for my empty body. 帰りの寒曳山パーキングエリアでラーメンランチ。ぺこぺこのお腹に、とても美味しかった。


Hydra My younger son showed me his work with toys. He said it was Hydra. I think he is a little kids yet... 次男がおもちゃで作ったヒドラを見せてくれた。まだまだ小さい子供だ。。。 (Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC)


A Party with Old Colleagues I went to the drinking party with old colleagues (Matt, Take and Kazu) in the okomoniyaki place after work. I had a great time with them and I really appriciated that I have good companions who have same experiences/memories for California life. 仕事帰りに、昔の上司&同僚3人とお好み焼き屋さんで飲み会。とても楽しくて、カリフォルニア生活という同じ経験と思い出を持つ仲間がいることを本当にありがたく思った。


Cough and Runny Nose I still have a cold with coughs and runny nose continuously. I want to recover from it... 咳と鼻水の風邪が続いている。早く直したい。。。 (Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC) A cushion cover that my wife loves.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Cloudy Evening I had a vacation and stayed home for my relax. (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)


Surfing 7th Round in Japan I had a vacation and went surfing at Hamada from afternoon. When I arrived to Senjo beach, I was shocked because the wave was quite junk condition with strong wind. Then I checked Hashi and Asari to find a better point, but there was no surfer at all.
(Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro) Finally, I found some surfers at Senjo after almost 2 hour checking. I decided to surf in spite of the severe condition. There was strong current at the faraway place from jetty since I avoided the point of the local surfers. It was very hard to go outside with my BD3 (thick surfboard). I could ride only one wave on the day. It was the most expensive surfing for me.
(Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)

Monday, November 8, 2010


Rest Day 2 There was no wave at all according to the some forecasts. I gave up going surfing and decided to stay home for my physical and mental healing. 波は全く無いらしいので、サーフィンはあきらめ、心と体を癒すため、家に居ることにした。 (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro) I want to get a real macro lenz...

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Rest Day I got a sleep for 10 hours and took a rest for a whole day. I felt I'm getting well. 10時間寝て、1日中休んだおかげで、体調は回復している感じ。 (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro) Japanese silver grass in sunset.


Hard Working Week Finished, but... Finally, we passed our goal in this 2 months. I can feel free from stress for a while, but I need enough rest this weekend because I had a cold. I hope I will get well soon... ようやく、この2ヶ月の仕事が一段落。しばらく、ストレスから開放されそうだけど、風邪をひいてしまったので週末は体を休めないと。早く回復しなくては!

Friday, November 5, 2010


Getting Cold I woke up at 5am and went to office due to a tons of remaining work. After 12 hours work, I left office. I was exhausted and felt I was getting cold. I want enough sleep... たくさんの仕事が残っているので、5時起きで会社へ。12時間の仕事の後、ようやく帰宅。とても疲れていて、風邪をひきそう。たっぷり睡眠がほしい。 (Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC) Our living room.


Local Festival Day Generally, this day is holiday as culture day and there are many local festivals. My wife and kids went a local festival at Onomichi with their friends. However my company was working day... 一般的に、この日は文化の日という祝日で、各地でお祭りがある。嫁さんと子供達は友達家族と一緒に尾道のお祭りへ。でも、父ちゃんの会社は出勤日。 (Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC) My kids just returned from the weekly English class at the evening.


Hard Working Week I guess I will become very busy this week due to our big event. I brace myself for hard work. 今週は、大きなイベントでとても忙しくなる見込み。ハードワークを覚悟しないと。 (Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC) One of my wife's interior stuffs.


Happy Birthday! Today is 9th anniversary of our younger son's birth. His request was yo-yo that he is crazy to play now. We enjoyed his birthday dinner and cake my wife cooked. Dear My Son How about your new school life? Is there anything different or difficult? I guess you are facing new challenge everyday. However, I think you have a great talent to make your neighbours happy. I believe what you do your best every time makes your confidence. Play hard and study hard! Happy birthday! Tou-chan (Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC)


Pizza Party We went to Grandmother's home to enjoy pizza party. This was 1 day early birthday party for my younger son. 1日早い次男の誕生日パーティとして、おばあちゃんちでピザパーティ。 (Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC) My younger son is rolling dough into thin circle. (Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC) It is a great pizza oven! After pizza, my younger son got a 1 day early birthday cake. ピザの後は、1日早いバースデーケーキ。 (Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC)