Sunday, October 31, 2010


Surfing 6th Round in Japan I went surfing with Tsuchi at Hamada in the early morning. We checked the condition of Senjo at first, but it seemed to be not good. We moved to Hashi with the slightly better condition. Tsuchiといっしょに、浜田で早朝サーフィン。最初、千畳をチェックするも、あまり良さそうではなかったので、波子に移動。 The wave condition was good with waist/chest size. I really enjoyed this surfing. この日の波子の波は腰~胸サイズ、パワーもそこそこで、ホントにサーフィンを楽しむことができた。 (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Friday Night This working days finished and surf day will come tomorrow. I hope I will get good waves. 今週の仕事の日は終わり、明日はサーフィンの日。良い波があることを願う。 (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro) My favorite sign on restroom's door.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Heater On It was chilly when we woke up. My wife turned on the gas fan heater. I felt this winter is almost coming now. 朝起きると、かなり寒い。嫁さんがファンヒーターのスイッチを入れ、気分はほとんど冬モード。 (Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC) My older son is watching TV.


English Class for Kids My kids have a 1-hour English class on every Wednesday evening at the teacher's house in this community. It was 2nd time for them and I went there to pick them up with my wife by walk. During returing to our home, they spoke English so much and I think their English was activated. I am pleased they have great chance to keep their English skill. 水曜日の夕方は、子供達の英語レッスン。場所は、同じコミュニティにある英語教室。この日は2回目で、嫁さんと一緒に迎えに行った。帰り道、英語脳が活性化した子供達は英語全開。子供達の英語力をキープできるチャンスが身近にあることがとてもうれしい。

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Chilly Day According to the weather channel, this night was 44°F. It must be cold. お天気チャンネルによると、夜の気温は7℃。そりゃ寒いはず。 (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro) My younger son is drinking a glass of milk with good smile.

Monday, October 25, 2010


My Wife's Bar (Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC) Cheap wines from California.


New PC I spent a half of day to setup my new PC. I was pleased there was no problem so far... 半日かけて、新しいPCのセットアップ。今のところ問題なく、よろこばしい限り。 (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro) Rainy Sunday...

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Surfing 5th Round in Japan I woke up at 3am and went surfing at Hamada with Tsuchi. We expected the wave was not so bad but actual wave was so small. We spent almost 1 hour to check some points as Senjo, Hashi and Asari. There was no good area to surf and we decided to return to Hashi. 3時起きで、Tsuchiと浜田でサーフィン。波はあると期待して行ったんだけど、かなりイマイチ。1時間ほどかけて、千畳~波子~浅利を周り、波子で入ることに。 (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro) Checking the wave condition at Asari but there is no good wave to surf. The wave was knee size and very weak, however I could enjoy surfing a little. 波は、パワーの無いひざサイズだったけど、そこそこ楽しめた。 (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro) The wave was becoming small. Almost flat when we left.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


50th Day of Hiroshima Life I was shocked today was 50th day from re-living in Japan. The day is passing so fast! 日本での生活を再開してから50日目。1日があっという間に過ぎていく。 (Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC) Garden with remaining early morning rain.


Planning of House Reform My wife is planning to reform our house. Her plan is to build a additonal bathroom and to reform the garden. I'm impressed her eagerness for it. 嫁さんは、家のリフォームを計画中。トイレを追加して、庭をやりかえる予定。それにしても、嫁さんの熱意はかなりのもの。 (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Strained Back? I have some pain in my waist from this Monday. I hope it will become better soon since I plan to go surfing on this weekend. 月曜日くらいから、腰に若干の痛みが。週末サーフィンに行くためにも、早く良くなってもらわないと。


Holloween is Coming...
(Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)
I like my wife's decoration works to make us happy.


My Younger Son's Favorite
(Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)
Kero-chan is a main character of the my son's favorite picture book.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Community's Cleaning Day
I think this is one of Japanese culture. I joined the local area's clean-up event as community's mandatory in the morning. This event is being held twice a year in my community. I was embarrassed at the first time, but I'm used to it now and tend to think this is not so bad since there is a chance to talk with neighbors.
At the same time, my kids had a English test and my wife took them to the exam hall. I heard they went well. If they passed the 1st stage, they will have 2nd stage next month.
In the evening, we went to udon place where I wanted to check before. This udon was really good taste and price. We will come here again.
(Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC) I have a "Kama-age udon (udon in the hot tub and separated hot soup)".
(Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC)
"Marugame-seimen" is great!


Working Saturday Again This Saturday was working day and also I don't have time to go surfing tomorrow... この土曜日は仕事、明日もサーフィンに行く時間は無い。。。 (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro) Wall of the kitchen.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Am I Tired? I felt I was difficult to wake up in the morning. I wodered I was lack of sleep... 朝起きるのがしんどい。寝不足かな。。。 (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)
The picture that I got as farewell gift from my Japanese colleagues.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Halloween Mode
(Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)
My wife is decorating Halloween stuffs on our garden.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


My Older Son's Condition My older son have had a cold with high fever from 3 days ago. I worry about his condition but he looks fine ,so I hope he will recover soon... 3日前から、長男が風邪をひいて高熱が続いている。ちょっと心配だけど、見た目は元気そうなので、すぐに直るでしょう。。。
(Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC)
Coke bottles on the kitchen counter.


New Wallet I got new wallet. BREE is one of my favorite brands. I'm going to enjoy to see the color change with aging. お気に入りブランドのBREEで、新しい財布を購入。色が変わっていくのが楽しみ~。 (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)


Surfing 4th Round in Japan I went surfing with Tsuchi and Mr. S at Hamada, Hashi from early morning. There were some surfers and the wave condition with waist size was good enough to enjoy for me. I felt I was lucky that I came here at this time. TsuchiとSくんと、浜田の波子で早朝サーフィン。サーファーは多くなく、波は腰サイズで、十分楽しめるコンディション。この時間に来て、良かったと思う。
Oops, horizontal line is slanted strongly...
I went to Japanese style bar with my wife for dinner. We had a great time with good foods.
(Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


(Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)
Red spider lily. I feel autumn come when I see this flower.


Visiting Hometown In the morning, we started on short trip to our hometown. (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro) Succulent with morning dew. I and my family had a great time to meet with our relatives.
(Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)
Sunset of Matsuyama.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Rainy Friday Night
On my way home from office.


Cozy Morning
(Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro)
Little rosemarry in my wife's garden.


Favorite Lamps in Dining Room (Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC)


My Daily Life I go to office by train in the morning, and work 8 hours, then return to my home by train in the evening. It seems boring but I really appreciate that I can take dinner with my family every day. 朝、電車で通勤し、8時間働き、電車で帰宅する。とても退屈そうだけど、毎日、家族と一緒に夕食を食べれることが嬉しく感じる今日この頃。


Interior Coordination (Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC)
From 2nd floor. My wife trying to make similar feeling as California's house.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Surfing 3rd Round in Japan I took out my family to went surfing at Hamada from the afternoon. There were good size waves but it is a kind of junk condition with strong wind. I satisfied I caught some waves and enjoyed it. 午後から、家族を連れ出し、浜田でサーフィン。波はそこそこのサイズはあるものの、強風のジャンクコンディション。何本か楽しく乗れたので、そこそこ満足。 he (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro) The waves were shoulder size and broke anywhere. After surfing, we visited "Kinta-no-sato" hot spring resort. We quite relaxed and refreshed in it. サーフィンの後、きんたの里という温泉へ。とてもリラックスでき、ほんとに気持ち良かった。 (Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC) At the parking lot, we saw sunset. This scene was so good.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Long Drive to Remember California Life In the morning, we departed for one day trip. Our destination was Fukuoka. 朝、福岡への一日旅行に出発。 (Pentax K-7 + Sigma 10-20mm EX DC) At Miyajima parking area. It was difficult to see the famous Miyajima shrine's torii. After 4 hours drive, we arrived Costco in Fukuoka. Japanese Costco was same looking as American's and also there were many same stuffs. We were excited and got a bunch of food more than the time when we lived in California. 4時間のドライブで、ようやく福岡のCostcoに到着。日本のCostcoは、アメリカと同じ店構えで、同じ商品もたくさん。ついつい、Californiaに住んでいた頃よりもたくさんの食料品などなどを買ってしまった。 After shopping, we enjoyed Hakata ramen. Then we returned to Hiroshima. I was very tired with long drive in rain, but I was satisfied with this trip. ショッピングの後、美味しい博多ラーメンを食べてから広島へ。雨の日のロングドライブは疲れたけど、なかなか充実した一日旅行だった。


Beginning of October New month has come and I was shocked I already spend almost one month in Japan. Time passed quite quick! 新しい月の始まり。日本での生活が、もう1ヶ月経つことに驚いた。時間はあっという間に過ぎていく。


Rainy Morning (Pentax K100D + Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro) My younger son is going to school with his umbrella. My older son already left home just 30 seconds ago.